Ministry of Defence


Providing the Ministry of Defence with extra protection against COVID-19

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is a ministerial department that works for a secure UK and has global reach and influence. Towards the end of 2020, Purified Air was commissioned to supply the Ministry of Defence with our mobile virus irradiation units (VIU Mobile) to help reduce the spread of airborne COVID-19 the indoor environment.

Air Purification

Removing harmful particulates from the air


Helping to safeguard occupiers of the spaces


Increasing productivity and awareness

Infection Control

Helping to reduce the potential spread of Covid-19

Supplying mobile virus irradiation units throughout the UK.

Every Ministry of Defence base across the country, encompassing training and reception areas, is now equipped with our VIU Mobile air purifiers, which eliminate dangerous particles and deactivate airborne viruses, such as COVID-19.

Our enduring partnership with the MoD is centered on the consistent provision and maintenance of these units to protect both staff and visitors. Enhancing the quality of indoor air contributes to higher productivity levels, diminishes illness-related absences, and aids in curbing the transmission of the coronavirus.