VIU 1000 - Air Purifier & Virus Irradiation Unit


The VIU 1000 combines electrostatic and UVGI technologies to purify air in spaces like offices and gyms, targeting airborne particles and viruses, including Coronavirus.

It captures up to 99% of contaminants, including tiny viruses and bacteria, with its charge-attracting system and reusable metal filters. UVGI further disrupts microbe DNA, halting their spread. This dual method delivers cleaner air with little airflow disruption.

Minimal Maintenance

Eliminates up to 99.99% of particles

Neutralises harmful viruses and pathogens

Standalone recirculating system

ESP Technology

ESP technology in this system utilises a method to remove fine particles from the air by applying a static charge, approximately 8000v, to airborne particles. These charged particles are then drawn to oppositely charged collector plates, effectively removing up to 99% of pollutants, including tiny virus and bacteria particles. The system's metal filters are washable, eliminating the need for frequent replacements, and it offers low air resistance, enhancing overall efficiency.

UVGI Technology

UVGI technology works by targeting and altering the DNA of micro-organisms, rendering them incapable of replication or growth. This system features high-output lamps within a specially designed enclosure to maximise irradiation. Both the ESP collector and UV lamps are designed for easy removal for maintenance purposes, and the lamps are non-ozone producing.

Technical Specifications

VIU 1000

Max Air Volume

up to 1700m3/hr

W-2420 | H-560 | D-388

Dimensions (mm)





How it works

The VIU 1000 units are designed to be unobtrusively installed above the ceiling to save floor space. These units feature an integrated fan that draws air in, processes it through a dual filtration system, and then circulates clean, purified air back into the room.

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